Hello and welcome back to another blog post. I'm sure this is the most riveting part of your week.
Thankfully, this weekend was one for the books. My friend (who came to Ireland with me on this visa) and I went to Scotland for the weekend. We made these plans back in March as proof that we were leaving Ireland at one point, to get our visas. And naturally, since it was the first real trip to another country, it was a pretty big deal. I've always been interested in Scotland - it's pretty similar to Ireland in its beauty and history. Unfortunately, since we only had a couple days - we only saw Edinburgh (I'll visit you soon, Hogwarts), but it was still lovely nonetheless.
We arrived in Scotland, Friday afternoon and after checking into our hostel, we decided to walk around the city a bit. Both of us are big fans of gothic architecture (although, one of us is more vocal about that appreciation - and history - thank you, JJ) so we had fun pointing out all the harsh, but beautiful stones and buildings. As usual, I took so many pictures that I had to use two separate SD cards to store all the photos. And to think this was just one city - and two days, worth of photos.
Since we came during August, the Fringe Festival was being held - and everyone was there. We went to a free comedy show, which wasn't too bad, but it was nicer to have a couple drinks with a friend, and catch up after a month apart.
The next day we walked a bit more around the city, went to a few tourist-y areas and paid way too much money, to see a castle and get a few pictures of the skyline. Later that day, we went our own ways and decided to see the city solo. I met some interesting characters at the park, pet some lovely dogs (I may have teared up since I miss mine so much, but that's besides the point), and got to see some magic. I grabbed dinner at a place we went to the previous day, and brought it to the park to have a picnic and enjoy the sights. Watching acrobats tumble, magicians make flames appear, and people enjoy themselves was probably my favorite part of the trip. There's something exhilarating about traveling by yourself. I never thought I'd be one to enjoy it, because I like traveling with others, but if there's one thing I've learned the past two months, it's that I can take care of myself. And that's a really nice feeling to have.
Anyway, on to the photos!